Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) are proud to announce the successful malt accreditation of Cyclops barley.

Cyclops barley achieves malt accreditation with an eye on wider markets

Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) are proud to announce the successful malt accreditation of Cyclops barley.

The news follows last year’s successful malt accreditation of AGT’s Minotaur.

Cyclops is a high yielding malt variety with very wide adaptation across low, medium and high rainfall environments, although its greatest value to growers is in the medium to low rainfall regions of western and southern Australia. It has good physical grain quality and disease resistance

Compared to current market leader Maximus, Cyclops has shown a yield advantage of nearly 4% in WA NVT trials, and nearly 7% in NVT trial in SA, Victoria and southern NSW.

AGT barley breeder Dr. Paul Telfer said it was rewarding to see the recognition of Cyclops as malting quality. “Cyclops is now the highest yielding malt accredited barley variety for the low-medium rainfall areas of Western Australia and southern Australia when comparing head-to-head results from the NVT in the last couple of seasons.” Dr Telfer said.

“AGT released Cyclops in 2021 due to its benchmark grain yield and very wide adaptation in these environments. It also has a physical grain quality and disease resistance package that compares well with most other varieties on the market.”

“Cyclops is a quick-mid maturing barley, reaching awn peep at a similar time to Maximus CL, and has a short plant type that resists lodging. As a result, its high yield potential is enhanced by reduced losses during windy conditions before harvest.”

Dr Paul Telfer with new releases Minotaur and Cyclops barley in 2021

AGT will continue to work with domestic and overseas markets to further develop markets for Cyclops.

Meanwhile, AGT have withdrawn two of its other barley varieties - Yeti and Beast - from the accreditation process due to commercial evaluation of their malt performance being less favourable, and market signals suggest that demand for these varieties by maltsters would be limited.

Commercial evaluation of AGT’s Titan AX – the world’s first CoAXium barley - will continue in 2025, aiming for a malt accreditation date of March 2026.

Seed of Cyclops is able to be traded between growers as part of AGT’s Seed Sharing initiative. Please contact your local AGT Variety Support Manager if you are looking for seed to plant this season, or have excess seed of Cyclops available.