• Very high yielding in low-medium rainfall environments
  • Quick maturity, quicker than Compass
  • Excellent performance in stressed, tight finishing environments and seasons
  • Compass plant type, with similar early vigour
  • Competitive physical grain quality package, with test weight comparable to most commonly grown varieties and excellent grain size resulting in high retentions
  • Has been withdrawn from the Grains Australia malt accreditation program. Is deliverable as a Barley/Feed variety only.

Breeders comments

In 2014, on the back of success in wheat breeding, we made a commitment to begin a breeding program for Australia’s second largest broadacre crop, barley. The decision to begin barley breeding helps us to build on our mission of improving the strength of Australian rural communities through the development and adoption of improved field crop varieties.

Beast is our first ever barley variety and comes only six years since the commencement of our nationally focussed barley breeding program.

Beast has been selected from the advanced germplasm pool that we sourced from the University of Adelaide and is derived from a cross including Compass and Hindmarsh. Like Compass, Beast boasts a vigorous plant type, which is highly desirable in lower rainfall or Mallee type environments, with improved early vigour over the more erect Hindmarsh types (Latrobe, Spartacus CL, Rosalind). This also suggests that Beast may be best suited to low-medium rainfall situations where lodging is less of a concern.

Beast is a quick maturing variety that has recorded its best yields in low-medium yield potential environments. Beast has consistently out-yielded Compass across many environments and has performed very competitively with Rosalind. Beast has shown its best yields, relative to other varieties, in regions that experience terminal drought stress.

Beast has been accepted into the Grains Australia malt accreditation program, with stage 2 malt evaluation being carried out in 2024. Beast is deliverable into the Barley/Feed grade.

For full details download the Beast fact sheet

Seed Availability

Please contact an AGT Affiliate or your local retailer for seed.

Click here for AGT Affiliate contact details.

Beast can be traded between growers upon the completion of a License Agreement as part of AGT’s Seed Sharing™ initiative.

Click here for Seed Sharing™ information.


Beast is protected by Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) and all production (except seed saved for planting) is liable to an End Point Royalty (EPR), which funds future plant breeding.

Beast growers will be subject to a Grower License Agreement that acknowledges that an EPR of $4.00/tonne + GST must be paid on all production other than seed saved for planting.