Quick-mid maturity, slightly slower than Spartacus CL
Wide adaptation to a range of environments and seasonal conditions
Erect growing Hindmarsh plant type
Less susceptible to lodging than taller varieties such as Compass
Competitive physical grain quality package
Improved spot-form net blotch resistance over Spartacus CL
Malting quality
Breeders comments
Cyclops has demonstrated exceptional performance across a broad range of regions and seasonal conditions, and has emerged as a market leader.
Cyclops has a quick-mid maturity, reaching awn peep slightly later than Spartacus CL. The short plant type of Cyclops is similar to Maximus CL and Spartacus CL, resulting in reduced susceptibility to lodging compared with taller barley varieties. Head loss is similar to Maximus CL or Spartacus CL, meaning that Cyclops is less vulnerable to yield loss during windy conditions around harvest compared with some other varieties.
The physical grain quality and disease resistance package of Cyclops is comparable with most other barley varieties currently on the market.
Cyclops has been accepted into the Grains Australia malt accreditation program, with stage 2 malt evaluation being carried out in 2024. Cyclops is deliverable into the Barley/Feed grade.
Cyclops is protected by Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) and all production (except seed saved for planting) is liable to an End Point Royalty (EPR), which funds future plant breeding.
Cyclops growers will be subject to a Grower License Agreement that acknowledges that an EPR of $4.00/tonne + GST must be paid on all production other than seed saved for planting.
Breeders comments
Cyclops has demonstrated exceptional performance across a broad range of regions and seasonal conditions, and has emerged as a market leader.
Cyclops has a quick-mid maturity, reaching awn peep slightly later than Spartacus CL. The short plant type of Cyclops is similar to Maximus CL and Spartacus CL, resulting in reduced susceptibility to lodging compared with taller barley varieties. Head loss is similar to Maximus CL or Spartacus CL, meaning that Cyclops is less vulnerable to yield loss during windy conditions around harvest compared with some other varieties.
The physical grain quality and disease resistance package of Cyclops is comparable with most other barley varieties currently on the market.
Cyclops has been accepted into the Grains Australia malt accreditation program, with stage 2 malt evaluation being carried out in 2024. Cyclops is deliverable into the Barley/Feed grade.