• Carries CoAXium® herbicide tolerance (Aggressor® herbicide)
  • A derivative of Rosalind with a similar plant type, offering a shorter plant structure and lower risk of lodging than the ‘Compass’ plant types like Titan AX
  • Wide adaptation
  • Quick-mid maturity, similar to Maximus CL and Rosalind
  • Similar grain size as some other high yielding feed varieties including Rosalind
  • FEED quality only

Breeders comments

PegasusAX carries tolerance to Sipcam Aggressor® herbicide (Group 1, Quizalofop-P-Ethyl), which allows growers to control susceptible populations of barley grass, brome grass, annual ryegrass, wild oats and other grass weeds in the barley phase of the rotation; offering an alternative to Clearfield® technology which growers have relied on for some time now.

Opportunistically discovered by Eyre Peninsula farmer Shannan Larwood in 2010, and further developed by the University of Adelaide, this novel herbicide tolerance trait has been bred into a range of widely adapted, high yielding backgrounds; with PegasusAX being released to complement its stablemate Titan AX.

Whilst Titan AX is in a ‘Compass’ style plant type (generally typified by good early vigour, a tall plant type more prone to lodging, and more suited to low-medium rainfall environments), PegasusAX is in a ‘Hindmarsh’ type background, offering a shorter, more compact plant type, and better suitability to medium-high rainfall environments.

Like it’s parent Rosalind, PegasusAX produces smaller grain. PegasusAX is a feed only variety.

PegasusAX has produced yields similar to Titan AX and Maximus CL.

For full details download the PegasusAX fact sheet

Seed Availability

Commercial quantities of PegasusAX may be available through AGT Affiliates, or your local retailer.

PegasusAX is able to be traded between growers upon the completion of a License Agreement as part of AGT’s Seed Sharing™ initiative.


PegasusAX is protected by Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) and all production (except seed saved for planting) is liable to an End Point Royalty (EPR), which funds future plant breeding.

PegasusAX growers will be subject to a Growers License Agreement that acknowledges that an EPR of $4.15/tonne + GST has to be paid on all production other than seed saved for planting.